W.H. Croxford High School recognizes that extra-curricular athletics are an extension of the educational process. We take great pride in the efforts of our athletes, the leadership of our coaches, and the support of our fans. Our philosophy is to be competitive while focusing on building resilient and responsible student-athletes in our interscholastic athletic programs. We hold the belief that sports are an integral part of the total educational experience. We value the athlete as a person, and our goal is to help them grow beyond athletics. Participation in athletics helps to advance the physical, emotional, social, and moral growth of student-athletes. As students become involved, we will attempt to ensure their experiences are among the most rewarding and positive that they have during their high school years while helping to prepare them for challenges beyond W. H. Croxford.
In many instances, there are not as many positions available on teams as the amount students interested, when necessary, teams will be selected based on the coaches’ discretion. Often this is a combination of attitude, skill, athleticism, and team dynamic. We remind all students that are offered positions that it is a privilege to participate in extra-curricular athletics. Participation is voluntary and is not a requirement, nor an entitlement. Therefore, extra time and effort are expected of those who participate. Those who earn the privilege of representing W. H. Croxford High School in extra-curricular athletics are expected to accept greater responsibilities as school citizens.
Participation in extra-curricular athletics is open to all students provided they meet the general requirements as outlined in this handbook, and any requirements specific to the activity of their choice.
Spectators should:
- Be positive! Consistently give positive feedback to players and others
- There is no sport without competition! Welcome all opponents into our school
- Cheer FOR, Not against! Present positive comments before, during and after the game. Spectators, both student and adult, must demonstrate courtesy and good sportsmanship by positive cheers of encouragement for their team, not against the opposing team. This is evidenced by the absence of booing and vulgarities.
- Friend not Foe! Be helpful to to others (i.e. willingly offer information about the game, score, scheduling, venue locations, etc. to onlookers)
- Respect the game! Spectators must show proper acceptance of officials’ judgement
Athletes should:
- Represent the C! Conduct themselves in a positive nature/manner before, during and after the game
- Be a good opponent! Offer respectful feedback to opponents during the game
- Display Respect! Ensure game interactions, including handshakes or lineups, are respectful in nature
- Be a Sport Ambassador! Be courteous, polite, friendly, and demonstrate good sportsmanship during the game
- Play with class! Show concern, respect or empathy for an opponent
Artificial Noisemakers are NOT permitted during athletic events. These noisemakers may include but are not limited to: air horns, cowbells, plastic tube horns, whistles, garbage can lids, etc. the host shall have the authority to eject from the competition facility individuals who, following a warning, refuse to comply with this requirement.
Alberta School Athletic Association Code of Ethics:
Spectators, both student and adult, must demonstrate courtesy and good sportsmanship by positive cheers of encouragement for their team, not against the opposing team. This is evidenced by the absence of booing and vulgarities. Spectators must also show proper acceptance of officials’ judgment. Artificial noisemakers are not permitted during events. These noisemakers may include but are not limited to: air horns, cowbells, plastic tube horns, garbage can lids, etc. The provincial championship host shall have the authority to eject from the competition facility individuals who, following a warning, refuse to comply with this requirement.
Students can participate at the Junior Varsity (JV), and Senior Varsity (SV) levels.
Junior Varsity teams are open to students in Grade 9 and Grade 10. Senior Varsity teams compete in the most competitive leagues and are composed of the most accomplished players in Grades 10, 11, and 12.
All – Separated by grade and gender (i.e. gr 9 boys, gr 9 girls, gr 10 boys…gr. 12 girls)
One team – team comprised of combination of gr 9 – 12 students.
W.H. Croxford High School sponsors the following athletic activities:
Team |
Season of Play |
Eligibility |
Cross Country |
Sept 1 - |
All |
Football |
Aug 15 – Nov |
One Team |
Girls Volleyball |
Sept – Nov |
Boys Volleyball |
Sept – Nov |
Golf |
Sept |
All |
Girls Soccer |
Sept |
One Team |
Curling |
Oct - Feb |
All |
Girls Basketball |
Nov – Mar |
Boys Basketball |
Nov – Mar |
Badminton |
Mar |
All |
Track |
May –June |
All |
Girls Rugby |
May – June |
Boys Rugby |
May – June |
Boys Soccer |
May - June |
One Team |
Season of play notes:
The ASAA sets seasons of play to ensure that all schools have a fair and reasonable period to compete in. It should be noted that some seasons of play overlap (i.e. fall sports may overlap with winter sports). We believe it is not desirable for a student athlete to have to try and juggle multiple games and practice schedules in these overlapping periods. It is not desirable for a student athlete to have to attend practices and games for two or more sports on the same days. Therefore,
- Each activity may hold practices according to the Alberta Schools Athletic Association (ASAA) seasons of play.
- The preceding activity has priority for practice times and games.
- The trailing activity may hold practices according to the ASAA seasons of play.
All athletes will be required to have fees paid prior to season games starting. Any athletes with outstanding fees at the start of the regular season will not be able to play until those fees are paid.
The school does not allocate money to any of the athletics programs and therefore all programs are self-sustaining. Coaches submit budgets to the Athletic Director for approval before the season of play and must be presented to the team. The Athletic Director will ensure that fees paid by team members will be used responsibly. All teams that are provided with equipment (jerseys, balls, etc.) will be subject to a non-refundable fee. This will provide the teams with the ability to purchase new uniforms and equipment at fixed intervals. Many teams may also provide an opportunity to purchase extra clothing, however, this is considered optional and not mandatory to play. Fees or payment plans must be in place to be eligible for future teams. Balances will be carried from year to year.
Fundraising - Individual teams can organize their own fundraising activities with the approval of the Administration.
ASAA FEE* - $5 per athlete - covers registration on the ASAA site. One time per year.
All uniforms will be provided by W. H. Croxford High School. Uniforms will be distributed by the coach, or Athletic Director, whichever is the most practical. Coaches will be responsible for the care and maintenance of uniforms while they are in their possession. All uniforms are to be cold water washed and hung to dry.
Players or the team will be responsible for the cost of replacement of any uniform damaged or lost while in their possession.
Teams may be provided with equipment specific to their activity. The school owns this equipment. The care and supervision of this equipment shall be the responsibility of the coach or their designate. This equipment is provided for team use, and not for use by the Physical Education department or public use.
Uniform Replacement Cost
Football |
Cross Country/Track |
Girls Volleyball |
Boys Volleyball |
Soccer |
Girls Basketball |
Boys Basketball |
Rugby |
Replacement cost (home/away) |
$40 |
$220 |
$80 |
$250 |
$250 |
$80 |
Rental cost |
$6 |
$45 |
$30 |
$45 |
$45 |
$30 |
- Players may transport only themselves to events.
- Family members may transport other immediate family members to events.
- Registered Volunteer Drivers may transport players to events.
- To become a registered Volunteer Driver, drivers must complete Rocky View’s Volunteer Driver Form and meet all requirements as stated on the form. These forms are to be kept by the coach.
- Volunteer Driver forms are available from the school office or Athletic Director.
- Volunteer vehicles used for transportation will not be eligible for financial compensation from the school.
- All gym use must be booked through the Athletic Director.
- League games and home tournaments have booking priority over practices.
- Any activity under way to have priority over the following season of play (g. volleyball over basketball)
- There must be a coach or teacher sponsor present at all practices and games.
- Coaches may request specific practice times. While all efforts will be made to accommodate requests, it shall be the priority of the Athletic Director to provide a practice schedule that is equitable to all teams in accordance with
- The Athletic Director and coaches will collaboratively create a practice schedule at the beginning of the season. In some instances where seasons overlap it may be appropriate to update the schedule to accommodate teams qualifying for Zone or Provincial competitions.
Coaches are encouraged to provide players and parents with individual copies of these schedules as they are available, and the Athletic Director shall make gym schedules available to all coaches.
To be eligible to participate, Grade 9 student athletes must meet eligibility requirements as outlined by the South-Central Zone Athletics Association. To be eligible to participate, grades 10, 11, and 12 students must meet eligibility requirements as set out by the ASAA.
Students must be in attendance for the day of a practice or game to participate in that practice or game. Legitimate reasons for an absence, which would allow a student to participate on the same day as the absence, are:
- School Sanctioned Activities
- Appointments with health professionals when communicated to the coach(es) in advance and within a reasonable time frame.
- Emergency Situations
- Planned absence for personal or educational purposes that have been approved by the school administration.
Students who are absent from classes for a full day or for a portion of the day, regardless of if ill or otherwise, are not eligible to participate. This includes attending but not participating in Physical Education. Exceptions to this may be considered, such as scheduled appointments. It may be considered unethical for a coach to practice or play an athlete who was ill earlier in the day. The effects of that illness may linger and present a potential health risk to the athlete, their teammates, and their opponents.
An athlete under suspension from school is also suspended from participation in extracurricular activities, until such time as the student has been reinstated to classes. Participation in the sport may also require a meeting with the coach to review team expectations.
Student athletes are representatives and ambassadors of W. H. Croxford High School, the community of Airdrie, and Rocky View Schools.
Student athletes are expected to provide strong examples of leadership and citizenship both on and off the court/field of play, and both in and out of the classroom.
Team Before Self - Most sports are team games and although it is proper and even necessary to have personal objectives, it is paramount that each member of the W. H. Croxford High School team possesses an unselfish attitude where team objectives are primary.
Regardless of when or where an athletic event occurs, it is a school-sponsored activity. The use of tobacco, drugs, or alcohol including electronic vaporizer of any kind is prohibited and shall be strictly enforced.
If a student athlete does not conduct himself/herself in a manner that reflects favorably on the school, the privilege of participation may be suspended or revoked by a coach/supervisor, the Athletic Director, or Principal.
All student athletes should carry some form of medical insurance. If an athlete is injured while participating on behalf of W. H. Croxford High School, the school division will cover medical costs (e.g. Ambulance costs) up to a certain amount. This service is offered free of charge to all students attending Rocky View Schools. More information about the coverage may be obtained from the office.
Any student injured on or off the field of play, and requiring medical attention, may require a note from a physician before being eligible to practice or play again.
Each player must complete the Athletics Participant Information form prior to the start of the regular season of play. Coaches must always have these forms easily accessible in case of an emergency.
Being a member of any school team is a privilege. A key to earning that privilege is commitment to the team. Team success can only be achieved if all participants are committed. This type of commitment includes:
- Attendance at all practices, games, and team events.
- Providing the coach with advance notice of absences from practices or games, and an explanation for that absence.
- Punctuality to all practices, games, and team events.
While it is acceptable for a student athlete to have a job, it is not reasonable to expect the coach to accept working as a legitimate reason for missing practice or a game.
Coaches have the right to suspend players, at his/her discretion, from practices or games if the athlete does not adhere to such commitment. The Athletic Director may provide assistance in dealing with this matter as required.
Hazing or negative initiation activities are prohibited by W. H. Croxford High School. The planning, initiation of, or participation in such activities shall be dealt with under the behavioral expectation of W. H. Croxford High School and may lead to suspension or removal from a team and/or school. Student-athletes are to be responsible with the use of technology and engagement with social media. Cell phones are not to be used in any dressing room.
All activities are open to all students of W.H. Croxford High School who meet the requirements of grade, gender, and general eligibility.
Coaches must conduct an open tryout and may not make final cuts until after the second try-out.
Final selections are based on the coaches’ criteria that is communicated at beginning of try-outs. Once the team has been selected, the coach must promptly submit a roster to the Athletic Director.
Students with outstanding fees from previous WHC Athletic teams will not be considered for future teams. Payment plans are not considered to be outstanding.
*** Ultimately playing time is up to the coach. The information below is to help any coach that is looking for directions. Coaches are expected to be transparent with each athlete and their role on the team. ***
Junior Varsity Teams and Individual Sport Competitions (Grade 9 and 10)
This level of competition has an increased emphasis upon team play, physical conditioning, and refinement of basic skills. Although being successful on the JV level is important, winning is not the sole objective. This is the level at which the athlete displays his/her readiness for the execution of skills at game speed. Athletic abilities, commitments, and positive attitudes will be rewarded and tested in competitive game situations. It is recognized that most student athletes in the Junior Varsity stream are also within the Canadian Long Term Athlete Development Stage of “Train to Train”.
An attempt will be made to allow as many participants as possible to play. Playing time will be fair but not all will play equally. At the JV level, playing time will be based on team commitment (attendance) and the degree of effort, skill improvement, ability to compete and execution of skills at game speed demonstrated by the student athlete in practice and during games.
Varsity Teams and Individual Sport Competitions (Grade 11 and 12)
Varsity competition is the culmination of each sport program. Normally, grade 11 and 12 students make up most of the roster. Occasionally, grade 10 students may be included on the team, if evidence of advanced levels of physical development, athletic skill, and appropriate social-emotional development are demonstrated.
Squad size at the varsity level is limited. The number of participants on any given team is a function of the number needed to conduct an effective and meaningful practice and to play the contest. It is vital that each team member has a role and is informed of its importance. The number of roster positions is relative to the students, acceptance of their individual roles in pursuit of the team's goals. As such, there will be few, if any instances where playing time for each player on the team will be equal. The amount of playing time may vary from game to game, or from week to week. Neither the players’ grades, nor their prior years of playing experience with W.H. Croxford High School teams will be a factor in determining playing time.
During the regular season attempts should be made for all players to play, but ultimately decisions regarding playing time should be at the discretion of the coach. For league, zone, and provincial playoffs there are no recommendations.
A sound attitude and advanced level of skill are prerequisites for a position on a varsity team, as is the realization that a varsity sport requires a five-day-a-week commitment. Athletes need to commit to high-volume and high-intensity training throughout the school sport season.
Each year in June, after the conclusion of all school sponsored athletic activities the Athletic Department will sponsor and host an “Annual Extra-Curricular Ceremony”. At this evening, individual activity awards as determined by the athletic department, and selected by the respective coaching staffs, shall be presented. In addition, the Athletes-of-the-Year, as selected by a designated committee shall be presented.
Activity Awards
Respective coaches shall be responsible for submitting to the Athletic Director, the names of the award recipients for the following awards, as well as making the Athletic Director aware of any team or individual accomplishments, which deserve recognition. Coaches may present only those awards listed, and may not present co-winners without the approval of the Athletic Director.
The activity awards to be presented are as follows:
All sports:
- Recognition of League Medalists and Champions
- Recognition of Zone Medalists and Champions
- Recognition of Provincial Medalists and Champions
Golf · Most Valuable Player · Cavaliers Award Cross Country · Most Valuable Player · Cavaliers Award Football · Cavaliers Award · Most Valuable Player Soccer · Most Valuable Player · Cavaliers Award Volleyball · Most Valuable Player · Cavaliers Award |
Badminton (girls/boys) · Most Valuable Player · Cavaliers Award Curling · Most Valuable Player · Cavaliers Award Track and Field (boys/girls) · Most Valuable Player · Cavaliers Award Basketball · Most Valuable Player · Cavaliers Award
Major Awards
Community Member Award
Academic Athlete of the Year
Ultimate Cavalier - The ultimate quest!
Students who participate in extra-curricular sports at W. H. Croxford are eligible to be recognized by receiving Letters and the Ultimate Cavalier Ring. Letters/Rings will be awarded on a point system with Golf, Soccer, Track & Field, Badminton, Cross Country, and Curling receiving 3 points per sport. Football, Volleyball, Basketball and Rugby will be awarded 5 points per sport. Athletes will also earn an extra point each WHC MVP/Cavalier selection.
The following awards will be presented once participants accumulate the minimum points required:
- “Blue Level” = 14 points must be achieved
- “Orange Level” = 28 points must be achieved
- “Stealth Grey (White?) Level” = 42 points must be achieved
- Ultimate Cavalier Ring = 56 points must be achieved
Athlete of the Year – Male and Female
- There will be awarded a grade 9/10 Athlete-of-the-Year Award as well as a 11/12 Athlete-of-the-Year Award for both Male and Female.
- Participated in a minimum of two extra-curricular school activities, at the grades 9/10 or 11/12 level, listed below:
- Golf
- Cross Country
- Volleyball
- Basketball
- Curling
- Track and Field
- Football
- Soccer
- Badminton
- Rugby
- The athlete should have demonstrated an above average degree of athletic ability in all activities he or she participated in.
- The athlete should have “excelled” in at least one of those activities he or she participated in.
- The athlete should have demonstrated leadership abilities on and off the court, field, course, or rink that has made him or her a respected individual in the eyes of the staff, fellow athletes, and the student body in general.
- The athlete should demonstrate to all a desire to better him/herself through athletics at W. H. Croxford High School.
- Above all, the athlete exemplifies athletic, personal, and sportsmanship abilities and qualities that have brought the pride and respect to himself/herself and W. H. Croxford High School in the view of the community, opponents, and others (other schools, communities, administrators, and coaches).
Selection Committee
Composition shall be as follows: with each team coach(es) having one vote (teams may only vote once, regardless of if they have several coaches/supervisors). Exceptions to the above stated include athletic director having two votes (provided they have coached a team)
Selection Process
The athletic director will compile and distribute the lists to all coaches/supervisors, so that they are aware of individuals who meet the necessary criteria for this award. From the final list of candidates, an ATHLETE OF THE YEAR (Male and Female) should be determined by eliminating candidates through discussion by the selection committee until 2 candidates are remaining. Once two candidates remain the selection committee will then vote to decide the winner.