Student Absence Procedures

Regular school attendance is imperative to student success. Not only do students connect with teachers on material through instruction they also have the ability to access peer support. As well, many complementary courses are difficult to complete when not present (eg: Physical Education, Mechanics, Cosmetology, etc…) The following policy outlines W.H. Croxford’s attendance policy that will help students find success in our learning community.

Leaving the Campus

o All students are not to leave the building between classes

o Students have permission to leave campus at lunch.

Absence Definition: Absences are counted on a per class basis.

General Attendance

Please be advised that any absence/s not excused within 24 hours of absence will remain permanently unexcused on the student’s record.  It is imperative that a parent or guardian leaves a message on the school attendance line regarding a student’s absence, preferably on the day of the absence. If a student has notified his/her teachers of an absence, it is still important that a parent/guardian phone the attendance line. Phone calls go out every evening, through our SYNERVOICE system, informing parents of any absences that have not been excused during the school day. Please report unexcused absences to the school attendance line within 24 hours of receiving a phone call. Once again, any absences not excused within 24 hours will result in a permanent unexcused absence on the students record. Parents have 24/7 access to student attendance information through the PowerSchool parent portal.

Extended Absences

Parents may wish to remove their son/daughter from school for an extended period of time (longer than 3 days) for reasons other than bereavement or illness. The school does not grant approval for a student to be absent, but rather records the parent/guardian’s intent to remove a student from the school. A Leave Notification Form is available at the office. Students are asked to check their teacher’s webpage to ensure work is not missed during their time away. Upon returning, it is the student’s responsibility to make up work missed. Teacher’s may provide assistance during class time but due to the voluntary nature of the absence, they are not required to spend time outside of regular school hours.

5 Absences

Teacher Advisors will be given a monthly report on students who have 5 or more unexcused absences (Reports give cumulative information from beginning of school year). Teacher Advisors will then follow up with parents to discuss the issue. A meeting between the parent and teacher will be determined by the parties involved.

10 Absences

At 10 cumulative absences, Teacher Advisors will refer the issue to guidance and administration. A meeting between the parent, teacher, administration, and guidance counselor may occur depending on the circumstances. A letter will be issued to parents. If further intervention is necessary, it will be determined collaboratively by the stakeholders involved.

15 Absences

At 15 cumulative absences, another letter will be issued and a meeting between all parties involved will be called to discuss options open to the student. Other interventions will continue to be explored.

Excused Absences

While parent knowledge and permission is important for absences, absences can still impede the ability for the student to keep up with the rigors of the high school curriculum. Students who are frequently absent with excuse can experience some of the same issues that unexcused absent students do. It is incumbent upon the school to inform parents when absences reach a critical point. If a student reaches an absence rate of 10 or more, whether excused on unexcused, parents may receive a letter of concern from the school.

Absences Due to Extenuating Circumstances

Students, from time to time, need to be away from school for a variety of reasons; illness, bereavement, hospitalization, etc. In these cases, it is important to inform the school. By calling the office and stating the issue, the office staff can inform the staff affected by the absences. Emailing your child’s teacher is another way of keeping all stakeholders informed of the circumstances. There may be scenarios that arise where the student will be expected to obtain a medical notice to confirm the illness. Should the parent have further concerns of a social emotional nature for their child, please contact the guidance office to book an appointment.
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