Grade 11 Programming


All Grade 11 must enrol in the following courses:

English Language Arts 20-1, -2, or -4

Mathematics 20-1, -2, -3 or 24

Science 20, Science 24, Biology 20, Chemistry 20, or Physics 20 (students need a 20 level Science to graduate high school)

Social Studies 20-1, -2, or -4

What do the different course numbers mean?

Starting in grade 10, students select courses based on their academic performance in grade 10 as well as what their goals are when they graduate high school. For a more in depth look into the individual courses follow this link to Alberta Education's Program of Studies. Below is a quick summary of each course:

Math 20-1

Students enrolled in 20-1 need to be strong in algebra and hope to pursue a career that would involve Mathematics.

Math 20-2

A foundation of mathematics course which many university programs accept for admittance.

Math 20-3

For students interested in trades and workplace mathematics. This is not a university track math course.

ELA 20-1, -2, or -4

Two course sequences have been developed in order to accommodate a diverse range of student need, interests and aspirations - ELA 20-1 and ELA 20-2. Both course sequences are organized according to the same five general outcomes. In addition, the specific outcomes that support the general outcomes are exactly the same. In general, differences between the two course sequences correspond to differences in student needs, interests and aspirations. (, Alberta Program of Studies, English Language Arts). Students in the -4 stream are work toward a Certificate of High School Achievement as opposed to a High School Diploma.

Social Studies 20-1, -2, -4

20-1 Perspectives on Nationalism

20-2 Understandings of Nationalism

Grade 11 explores the complexities of nationalism in Canadian and international contexts and includes study of the origins of nationalism and the influence of nationalism on regional, international and global relations. In general, differences between the two course sequences correspond to differences in student needs, interests and aspirations.

(, Alberta Program of Studies, Social Studies). Students in the -4 stream are work toward a Certificate of High School Achievement as opposed to a High School Diploma.

Science 20

Science 20 consists of four units of study:

A. Chemical Changes

B. Changes in Motion

C. The Changing Earth

D. Changes in Living Systems

Students enrolling in Science 20 would be looking to take Science 30 in grade 12.

Science 24

A  Applications of Matter and Chemical Change

B Understanding Common Energy Conversion Systems

C Disease Defence and Human Health

D Motion, Change and Transportation Safety

Students enrolling in Science 24 would be fulfilling their Science graduation requirements. There is no Science 34 for grade 12 students.

Biology, Physics, and Chemistry 20

For specific information on each of these courses, please refer to the Alberta Program of Studies

Students may choose to register in 1, 2 or 3 of these courses. Typically students registering in all 3 sciences at the 20 level would be looking to pursue university post-secondary options.

Exploratory Options

Grade 11 students at W.H. Croxford are enrolled in a minimum of four core courses and must choose to fill their schedule with four more exploratory option courses. Follow this link for a list of the courses available.

The majority of these options are 5 credit courses, which means students are in the course everyday for 75 minutes for one semester. This allows them to go more in depth into the course material and start to learn skills that will assist them for life.

Students in grade 11 are not permitted spares and will be enrolled in eight courses.

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