Mr. Gray's Teacher Page

Welcome to WH Croxford High School!  It is my pleasure to be your teacher this year.   
This year I am teaching the VAM (Visual Arts & Media) Academy for grade ten, eleven, and twelve as well as Art 9/10/20/30.  I look forward to watching my students grow and learn as artists and media creators.

Follow me on Twitter:

Follow me as an artist & educator:

See all the great things we are doing in VAM Academy:


You will find access to my course calendars, outlines and other resources below.  I will be updating a calendar for each course on a weekly basis, so that students and parents will be aware of class content and any upcoming due dates.  Course content will also be available in each course Google Classroom that students will be invited to join.  Parents will also be invited to join the Google Classroom.



Parent Tips:

I encourage parents/guardians to be actively involved in your child's school life.  I believe when parents and teachers work together, students can be successful in their learning.

  • Please visit powerschool frequently so that you are up to date with your child’s assignments, class schedule/timelines, attendance, and marks.
  • All content for my courses is placed in Google Classroom.  Students are expected to remain caught up on course material in their absence.

    If you have any questions or concerns please call me at 587-775-3521 or contact me through email at

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