Grade 10 Programming


All Grade 10 Students will be enrolled in the following mandatory courses:

Career and Life Management (CALM)

English Language Arts 10-1, 10-2, or 10-4

Mathematics 10C or 10-3

Physical Education

Science 10 or 14

Social Studies 10-1, 10-2, or 10-4

What do the different course numbers mean?

Starting in grade 10, students select courses based on their academic performance in grade 9 as well as what their goals are when they graduate high school. For a more in depth look into the individual courses follow this link to Alberta Education's Program of Studies. Below is a quick summary of each course:

Math 10C (or 10 Common)

Focuses on a multitude of mathematical competencies ranging from Algebra, Linear Equations, Geometry and Measurement. Students get introduced to the different facets of mathematics in a meaningful way through different resources. Math 10C allows the students to get a sample of mathematical concepts allowing them to choose their educational pathway in mathematics. Upon success students can gain access to Math 20-1 (pre-calculus), Math 20-2 (foundations of mathematics), or Math 20-3 (trades and workplace)

Math 10-3

Focuses on the application of mathematical concepts such as Measurement, Personal Finances, and Trigonometry. Through a wide variety of resources, students gain an understanding of the application and purpose of mathematical skills that are used in the workplace or trades. Upon successful completion of this course students follow the concentrated pathway to Math 20-3( trades and workplace).

Science 10

Focusing one exploring the three main strands of science: Biology, Chemistry, and Physics. Science 10 is the foundation for taking Science 20, Biology 20, Chemistry 20, and Physics 20 in grade 11.

Science 14

Prepares students to enrol in Science 24 in grade 11. A graduation requirement is all students must have a 20 level Science. There is not 34 or grade 12 level Science so students enrolled in 14 would not take a Science after grade 11.

Social 10-1/2/4

The Social Studies 10 curriculum centres upon the ideas of globalization. Students will explore the different types of globalization to discover how it has shaped their individual and collective identity. We discuss the history of globalization through imperialism, learning about global and Canadian legacies, as well as how different groups reacted and responded to Eurocentric policies. We identify ways that contemporary society is responding to the legacies of globalization by exploring issues relating to sustainability, economic organizations, political organizations and responsibilities of a global citizen. Social Studies 10 will be offered in a blended setting with both -1 and -2 students in the same classroom. Students in -1 will have more difficult standards of assessment than -2 students. Students in the -4 stream are work toward a Certificate of High School Achievement as opposed to a High School Diploma.

ELA 10-1/2/4

The purpose of English 10 is to help students acquire skills, attitudes, and knowledge they will need to meet the everyday requirements of life and to attain the maximum fulfillment of their nature as human beings (of course).  By reading, analyzing, and responding to a variety of literature in a variety of media, students will learn to understand not only the thoughts and opinions of others, but formulate and develop their own as well. ELA 10 will be offered in a blended setting with both -1 and -2 students in the same classroom. Students in -1 will have more difficult standards of assessment than -2 students. Students in the -4 stream are work toward a Certificate of High School Achievement as opposed to a High School Diploma.

Exploratory Options

Grade 10 students at W.H. Croxford are enrolled in six mandatory courses: Math, ELA, Social Studies, Science, Career and Life Management (CALM), and Physical Education. In addition, students will be enrolled in a minimum of two exploratory options. The majority of these options are 5 credit courses, which means students are in the course everyday for 75 minutes for one semester. This allows them to go more in depth into the course material and start to learn skills that will assist them for life. Students in grade 10 are not permitted spares and will be enrolled in eight courses.

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